A meander down Nostagia Way
Childhood is something you never appreciate when you are experiencing it. Your days are spent having people wake you up, cook for you, clean for you and buy you everything you need. The only thing you have to do is go to school and learn. It was a small price to pay for having all your needs taken care of. Looking back I have no idea why I fought my parents so much, possibly the insanity of my youth. I swore my mom and dad were against me at every turn: buying me clothes, making me learn at school, taking me on vacation, making me play piano and going to church. What was I complaining about? Good grief, in order to do that now I’d have to pay someone a lot of money to get that kind of service, and my parents did it for FREE! They drove me where I wanted to go. And it wasn’t only me, but my friends, too. Try and do that as an adult and you have to pay to have someone drive you places and they are not half as friendly. When my parents would let me out of the car they had something nice...