Growing Pains
Lately I’ve come to dislike looking out my back porch’s window. Out there, framed in all of my old window’s glory, is my stunning revelation I do not have the gardening skills to grow grass. Yes, it’s true, my lack of gardening skills have sunk that low. As I mentioned previously, I do not have a green thumb. In fact, I am the anti-plant person. I shorten the life of any plant on my property. This is a talent I’d give up in a heartbeat, but it seems like it is something I am stuck with. But I thought that growing grass would at least be able to pierce the veil of my anti-plant nature. Alas, I was wrong. And the patch of dirt out in my backyard is proof of it. Let me at least say I did not kill the grass in the backyard. I blame that one on the dogs we’ve had over the years. They dig and make little dens and really created a hell of an interesting terrain in the backyard. It looks a little like tiny bombs went off back there. Or we had underachieving rabbits making dens that infilt...