
Showing posts from April, 2010

Growing Pains

Lately I’ve come to dislike looking out my back porch’s window. Out there, framed in all of my old window’s glory, is my stunning revelation I do not have the gardening skills to grow grass. Yes, it’s true, my lack of gardening skills have sunk that low. As I mentioned previously, I do not have a green thumb. In fact, I am the anti-plant person. I shorten the life of any plant on my property. This is a talent I’d give up in a heartbeat, but it seems like it is something I am stuck with. But I thought that growing grass would at least be able to pierce the veil of my anti-plant nature. Alas, I was wrong. And the patch of dirt out in my backyard is proof of it. Let me at least say I did not kill the grass in the backyard. I blame that one on the dogs we’ve had over the years. They dig and make little dens and really created a hell of an interesting terrain in the backyard. It looks a little like tiny bombs went off back there. Or we had underachieving rabbits making dens that infilt...

The time of lies.....

They say 2 things are sure in this life....death and taxes. I am beginning to believe people dread the latter more than the former. For many people, April 15 is a time to practice using every cuss word known to man, and even get creative and make up a few. Now for those of you who finish your taxes the moment you get your information in the mail, you probably don't understand the dreadful day of April 15. You are more than likely sitting back and laughing at the "Midnight Filers" who drive by the post office at 11:59 and fling their package at anyone who looks like they might work there. To your credit (not a tax one though), you have earned that right because you were diligent and did your duty earlier in the year. While I can appreciate you being able to take the time an giggle at people who file last minute....I have to say you are missing out on something. The creativity of last minute tax preparations. I have a theory...the longer the person waits to file their t...