
Showing posts from 2023

The Haunted Home

                    James sat in the dirty kitchen with his feet propped up on the table and looked around the dilapidated room. He watched a rat climb over and around the counters and sink, looking for scraps of anything. James rolled his eyes knowing anything that even resembled food had long since been carried away by other animals or decayed so much it became dust.  Still, it scurried around in a hurried way, as if it had to get one more morsel of food in before it goes back to the office.                 “Or maybe it has to get back to Mrs. Rat,” James said to no one in particular.                 “You know they say a sign of going crazy is talking to yourself,” a voice said behind him.         ...

Driving Refresher Class 101

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for most young people. It’s been a few decades, but I do remember getting mine. I know over time my driving skills are not what my driving teacher would have approved of. In fact, I’m pretty sure he would be hitting that brake on the passenger’s side a few dozen times. So, I acknowledge that we all kind of lose our edge over time and get a little creative in how we drive. That being said, some of y’all are just out of control and are so bad Mad Max is even questioning your choices. Let’s have a refresher course, shall we? The lines that divide lanes mean something. If you are not sure where you want to go, pull over. Do NOT pick 2 lanes because you haven’t made a choice yet. Green is go, yellow means red is near and red means stop. Now just because you saw the yellow light doesn’t mean you still have the right of way. Yellow doesn’t mean hit your turbo boost pretend you didn’t see the light turn red. I’ll wager if you do this, you have a ...

Organizing work lunch orders: aka why do you hate yourself?

If you choose to organize ordering lunch for the group at work...expect some of the following to occur ... No matter which place you pick, someone will be unhappy.  75% of the people will want a special order.  People are quick to order but slow to pay.  Someone will remember the days when that place served a different dish…and why don’t they do that anymore? It was so much better than now. You know where we should have gone is to the other place that is like this place but entirely different…it is so much better.   No one has exact change, but everyone wants exact change.  Whoever promised to pay you later…they lied.  The place will not have whatever the most picky person wants.  The menu you ordered from is out of date and all of the prices have gone up.  When the food arrives, someone will want to see the receipt because they cannot believe they owe that much.  At least 1 item will be wrong, and you will be judged the restaurant got i...