Rain, Rain...Go Away...Please?

It seems lately all we can to is talk about the weather in Chicagoland. There are other worthwhile topics, such as the changing of the guard at City Hall (Daley out, Rahm in). The death of Bin Laden (not shedding a tear for him). The economy which is still sucking the life out of many of us. Or just everyday things in our own personal lives. But the weather is winning by a long shot of being a conversation starter.

And not due to the "good" weather, but because we are having November weather in the Spring.

Trust me...I understand we have lots of rain in the Spring. But lately we are getting no sun...and when we do it is like we are in a rainforest with high humidity and scorching heat. In the Spring.

Today it is raining...yesterday it was raining...and I have a sneaky suspicion the weather for tomorrow will be rain as well.

This gets me down for one reason...I love Spring. I love going out and enjoying the sun and the cool breezes before the heat of summer sets in. And so far, we are all missing it. We are sun-deprived and turning into mushrooms because it is so dark and damp out there.

I'll be honest, I had high hopes for 2011...in January. By February the tarnish set in hard, and April we had very little sun and a lot of rain. Now here we are, half way through May and we have had little sun....and more rain. For those of you who believe this weather isn't unusual...check it out.


Hard data we had a miserable April. And so far May isn't that great either.

So what do to? Me? I'm looking forward to summer at this point. I'll take the heat, because for the last 2 months I don't feel like I have been completely warm. It could be my personal life in constant turmoil which is adding to the stress of the craptastic weather. Or it could be this is just no fun weather.

Today I will spend the rest of the day working on book promotion. Trying to sell my book, Best Served Cold. Since the job started, it hasn't been an easy task of trying to sell any books...couple that with being in the middle of a divorce and everything came to a screeching halt. So now it is time to get serious. And maybe that is the brightside to the dark days. If the weather was gorgeous, I'd be out doing other things. But now it is craptastic, I feel the urge to stay in and work on something productive.

(For the record, I haven't completely tossed out printing up a t-shirt that says, "Help support my divorce, buy Best Served Cold!" It is, if anything, an honest appeal.)

So on to my projects at hand. Ultimately I can't change the weather, and complaining about it just spreads negativity. Time for a different approach. Use the time wisely and continue to fulfill my dreams. When the weather turns better...I'll love it even more.


  1. It has always been a great wonder to me how in America we can pipeline oil all over the country but can not move water. I mean really we are drying here and only a thousand mile from us they are evacuating because of floods. I keep asking for everyone that is getting wet to share the wealth but no matter how well meaning the heart it just can't seem to get here. So here's my prayer. That you will get the sunny weather you so crave we will get a couple of months of a nice rain. -Love Leanne-


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