It's a Quarantine Life...for us....
It has been over 2 months since we have been in "quarantine". To be honest, I use "quarantine" loosely because a real quarantine doesn't mean weekly deliveries of booze n food....and a list of other things too great to mention.
There have been 3 human and 2 dogs trapped in this house during the quarantine.
Things we have lost in this quarantine....
1. Our couch. It was ugly it was not very supportive and there were stains on it. To be honest, it had it coming. Now that I think of it, it reminds me of some people in my life....but that is a whole other blog.
2. My living room. The moment we figured it would be more than a week, we decided we needed to be comfortable, so what used to be a common area is now an office space and a video game haven.
3. Separation from work and home. When work is home and home is work, then you have hork or wome. You get up and do things...could be work things, could be home decide. In the end, there is no difference. Which leads me into #4...
4. Looking forward to a day of the week. Is it Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Doesn't matter...because it all blends together. 3 day weekends don't are meaningless. We can't go anywhere, we can't do anything...the only thing a day off means is you don't have 8 hours to fill your time.
Things we gained during the quarantine....
1. Weight. Oh don't deny it...we all did it. And for those of you who lost weight during baggy clothes or you will be treated like the AV club during the 80s. I'm just sayin...
2. A shopping habit. We have 3 adults in this house and all of us can be financially independent and we live below our means in a big way. We are more surprised when a carrier is not at our door. When there is a box...we ask, "Who is it for?" because we know someone ordered something. I am the proud owner of butterfly lights, wood burning tool, plants, gaming desk and some video games that I have not played since the least I didn't get a new puppy, don't judge.
3. An unhealthy coping mechanisms. Maybe it is alcohol, maybe it is a walk every 20 minutes, maybe it is part of # 2, or video games, or working out....or some combination that keeps you from the edge of mentally jumping off the ledge of life. But it is there......and it will not go away.
4. Appreciation for strange connections. At some point, we all have reached out in a way we didn't expect...maybe for the good, maybe for the bad. but we decided to hit a social rock bottom and dug deep to connect with someone who didn't deserve it.....stop now. it is unhealthy. I'm just sayin again....
While I have not been given the date of when I return to work, I'm trying to figure out which one of those things I'm going to miss the most and which ones I will need rehab for....time will only tell.
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