The squeaky wheel is never heard in a traffic jam.

This morning I walk into the kitchen at 5:15 am. I go about my normal routine of washing dishes and preparing my lunch for the day. The house is quiet except for heater, just blowing away the morning chill. It turns off at some point and I notice something...every time I take a step something is rattling. An entire silent house and I notice rattling. I didn't notice it before because of the noise of the heater. But now that it is extra quiet, that rattling is making me crazy. I must seek and destroy the source of the noise or my life will just not be right until I do it.

Turns out, it was the Marsala wine bottle knocking the olive oil canister. Nothing really loud, but just enough to distract me from my morning routine.

That's pretty much the way my entire life is. If there is a lot of noise, I don't notice little things, I pass them up. The roar of life will keep any little thought hidden, that little thought will never have a chance to be heard if every moment is filled with the constant droning on of life's circus.

That's what social media became to me. It became a constant drone so that my own little thoughts could not be heard.

Oh trust me when I say many of my thoughts should be drowned out. They are so boring they should aspire to become mundane. But some of them deserve some attention. Except, when I am focusing on everything else, I can't even process them, they become the background noise.

This is kind of my Walden time...except I'm not getting back to nature. To be honest, nature and I don't always get along so I kind of fear it. Also I like my coffee maker and sleeping indoors. This is my time to walk away from the noise of 1 social media outlet.

Again, I love Facebook in many ways. It has reunited me with a lot of wonderful people. It keeps family a little closer and old ties a little tighter. I love reading the successes of people and their families, and helping support those that need it.

Although, I have found it harder to focus on those things as it has become a bit of a circus. The ads, political discourse, the's hard to slog through all of that to just connect.

I also find it becomes a competition of thought. And the only way to win a competition is to outdo the other person, or the person of the opposing side. In a virtual world where you only have pictures and words to express yourself, that means now you have to post vitriolically for people to pay attention. And of course someone will be offended and there will be a war of words. So that person will try and outdo that person. And so on and so on and so on....for about a few million people.

It become overwhelming. Suddenly it is less about people and more about competing thoughts.

In the end, I can't hear my own rattling bottles of thought in my own head because I am involved reading the next 3 ring circus of thoughts going on. My poor little thoughts cannot compete in that environment and cannot be heard.

Last night I dreamed of walking a dark path in a forest. The light that did shine through was a cold golden light. From above I could hear monkeys in the trees, but I could never see them, they were always just out of sight. On the path I met someone who asked me to find an item from inventory....seriously. My job killed a perfectly good dream! The noise from that place is enough to deafen a stadium of people. Now that is one noise I cannot just I mentioned before, I like sleeping indoors.

Speaking of is that time of day. Time to dive into the day.


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