Broken Funny Bone

It has been 126 days since I have been told to work from home because of COVID. 35% of the year I have not been in a store, gone on vacation, visited friends, had a real party, been to a movie or just gone away for the weekend.

In that 126 days I have started and stopped a lot of projects. Drawing, painting, gardening, wood burning, writing, gaming, puzzles….just so many things. Though I will say my follow thru with drinking wine has been pretty steady. The delivery people have been to the house so often, I’m pretty certain I get to claim them as a deduction. The amount of deliveries from I have gotten from Amazon in 6 months is now 3 digits long. This doesn’t include Instacart deliveries.

The one thing the delivery people cannot do is deliver my sense of humor because apparently mine seems to have left me. Who would have thought that during a pandemic that would be the thing to go. It is hard to write about the humorous things in life when there is so little to laugh about.
Fires, murder, virus, more murder, riots, extreme weather, more murder, taking down statues, more murder. I feel like 2020 is the year of SimCity where we all get sick and tired of our city and seek to destroy it. I’m just waiting for the spindly legged aliens to come down and create chaos because at least then this would all make sense.

Before someone decides to rage quit the universe, I'm going to have to deal with the current reality instead of white knuckling until life returns to normal again...or whatever the universe deems will be the new normal. Unique times require us to dig deep to find...well something else, because clearly the Karina the Home Game is missing some pieces. 


  1. ((Hugs)) Just goes to show we all want what we can't have... I want to work from home! Mainly because I hate people in general (especially people who frequent hospitals making impossible demands) but for the most part just to get away from it all. This is why I love my weekends, it's my 48 hour vacation away from crazy! If it's any consolation we're all a few pieces short of a full game! #ItWillGeBetter

    1. I'm turning into a crazy recluse...However, I guess that is a direction to go. Moving the punching bag to the porch will help.

      Working in a hospital would put me over the edge though. I'm not a people person, and honestly, my social skills are getting sketchy after not socializing after all of this time. You are a brave woman, Denise. Hugs to you!


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