Good-bye Old Home

Today is a strange day…today my house is selling. For the first time in 2 decades, I will not own a house. 

The divorce took a lot out of me, and now it takes the one thing I have for it to take. I must admit, it is a bit painful.

I’d like to try to remember only the good times in the house and raising my children. I’d like to remember it filled with laughter and love. I’d like to remember we were blessed to have the home we did and we had each other. I’d like to remember the holidays and the good times…I’d like to.

Unfortunately I can only remember the past 2 years of fighting and arguing the moment the divorce started.
I spent a lot of time looking back and reminiscing lately about things and people in my past. It’s hard not to try and hold onto things that we miss. However, I think sometimes getting lost in the past is also too easy.

As of 12pm, I will no longer be a home owner and I can be sad about that.  But then again, I’ve been able to talk to my parents in the past few days, I can talk to my son, and I was able to send my daughter off to school this morning. I’m going to a good job and will spend time with good friends.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it is safer to look in the past and cling to the memories there, to fall back on things that were and think about what could have been. It’s scary to look at a completely different life after losing the vestiges of a former life.

Then again, when I first bought a home in my youth, it was also something strange and new. And while where I ended up was not where I wanted to be, it did lead me to good people and good times.

So…Good bye old home, may the new owners thrive in the house, may they find happiness that will not end. May God bless them in their family and may they treat the neighbors in the neighborhood well.

My next adventure…well that’s gonna be me finishing my 3rd book before my daughter loses it as I let her read the unedited version, and I stopped mid-sentence. She was not amused…


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