Tis the Seasons to Scare the Jolly Turkey

It's that time a  year again, the holidays are upon us. No, I didn't just look at my calendar and see that they are coming up, I went shopping.

I remember the time there was a break between holiday shopping. Halloween stuff went out first, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Now you can do all your shopping at once for all holidays. 

To me this is a bit disconcerting. My year goes by fast enough, I don't need my retailers reminding me the end of the year is coming to a quick close. I like ending the year the way I usually do, surprised the end has once again arrived. 

You would think at 44 years old the end of the year would not sneak up on me like a ninja, but every year I seem to have an excessive lack of planning for the end of the year. Every January I swear I will do better, plan things better and not let the end of the year sneak up on me. By this time every year, however, I'm still stunned the year is almost done. 

I'm in awe of those people who can do their Christmas shopping in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day. I'm thinking of a cold beer and they are thinking "Little Schnookie-poo is gonna love this Whatchamadoodle." They seem to have this whole "Times-a-Wastin" thing down. I'm like most of the population, we fiddle while Rome burns.

In theory I should be thrilled that the stores bundle this time of year's shopping into one easy aisle...that all I have to do is take the time and get what I need to do done before crunch time. Instead, I see all those aisles mocking me. I behave like a petulant child, putting my fingers in my ears and going "nanananananana.....I can't hear the time ticking away....nanananananan."

There should be a song to describe the season...

Tis the seasons to scare the jolly turkeys
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Deck the halls in Bones and Holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our Scary Apparel
Fa la la la la la, la la la
Troll for turkeys till trees are glowing
Fa la la la la, la la la la

It needs work, but it is a good start.


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