Government Shutdown...Day 10...

We are on day 10 of the government shut down. Another day for our government to point fingers and to lay blame. Another day for political rhetoric and posturing. Another day of all of our politicians to say they will compromise, but only if the other side does what they want.

We also have another day of people fighting their battles for them. All the constituents fighting to prove their side is right. How we all "know" who is really keeping this stand going. How they other side really wanted this and it is all of their fault.

While everyone digs in their heels, there are people who are very negatively affected by this shutdown, people who need the income to survive. They have been working just like everyone else to support their families. And then we have the private businesses that work with the government who have been cutoff and are no longer being paid for their services. The list I read included students, veterans, research, disease control...from fishermen in Alaska to parents trying to get their kids to school across the Smokey Mountains. From sea to shining sea.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, or what side of the argument you are on. What does matter is the government is failing you. Your representative is failing you. We all voted our representatives to go in and do their jobs. What we have not is incompetence running ruling our government. And we have a CHOICE if we vote them in again or not. The link below will bring you to the Congressional Directory. Call them...make them know we are not happy and they need to go back to work.

This is not a political party issue, this is an incompetence issue. If they cannot handle the jobs they were voted in to do, then they need to be voted out. 


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